Paid Links Debate, what does it mean?

The debate over paid links has been going on for some time now and there seems to be no obstacle to the ongoing debate. First of all what’s a paid link?
A paid link is when you pay for something like someone’s website. This in itself is not a problem and search engines have no problem with this as it is advertising and the internet is building advertising. The problem arises when advertisers pay only for links for the purpose of improving Pagerank there.
This is a problem for search engines as it is trying to increase the strength of your web site. Google took the first step in defending this tactic by introducing nofollow rules. Does this mean that if you place a link on a website and pay for it, it must have a nofollow attribute placed on it to inform search engines It is a paid link and is used only for traffic creation. What nofollow does not instruct search engines to do is not follow this link so the recipient’s website will not receive any strength. Nofollow can also be used for other purposes on your own website to further distribute PageRank.
Yahoo still has to take a firm decision on this because at the time of writing this article it had ignored mindless rules. However, they do say that they believe paid links are of a worse quality to users, which I agree with. These types of links are not a valid vote for a website because they are only available for financial gain.
So if you choose to ignore to use nofollow rules, how do search engines determine paid links and what are natural links? Google will not tell you how they detect paid links as if they will be able to develop strategies to address their tracking actions.
If you are looking for an SEO expert who will never use paid links to get your rank, I will try these people. They can make your website design SEO friendly from the beginning.
In my last PagerRank update I saw a lot of websites being penalized for using paid links including some major SEO companies. So if you want to avoid this make sure you use nofollow and when choosing a site to place your link on trying to do it from a traffic building standpoint and not an SEO one.
Now you know what is Paid Links
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